Thursday, April 12, 2012

Snakes in a Building or:How I got back in to Python

Last night was awesome. On the recommendation of a contact in the recruiting area, I checked out a networking calendar from Venture Fizz ( and saw there was a Python meet up scheduled for yesterday evening at Microsoft NERD (New England Research & Development) in Cambridge. Naturally, I was interested in going!

I wrapped up the minor amount of Ruby on Rails I was working on in the Wilmington Panera (my favorite place to code--just enough people and coffee to not feel totally isolated) and headed on down. Getting there was interesting; while parking at the NERD parking garage was okay ($10 for the evening), there were a few other garages within a few blocks (but on the other side of Broadway) that were $8. Small difference, but I'm sure it will add up over the months. The building NERD is located in is amazing, with a great view across the Charles of Boston--next time I'll have to take pictures with a camera (at the risk of looking like a complete noob).

The actual meet up was awesome. Matchbox (, a company making an iPad app to make processing college applications easier, sponsored and provided free pizza (wooh!) and I ended up sitting next to one of their software engineers. Also at our table were a handful of current students (none of whom were CS majors, but hey, neither was I!), and one of the founders of Career Village ( The conversations about what everyone was working on were great; I hope that by the next meet up I will have improved my django and refreshed my Python enough to contribute a little more to questions about AJAX and scripting and all that, but for now I'm content that I (felt like I) blasted through the first two parts of the django tutorial.

Also there were the founders (I think?) of US Green Energy, which was super convenient because I had been emailing back and forth with them a bit courtesy of our mutual friend Matt (whom I went to school with), so we chatted for a while about what they were working for and both agreed I probably wasn't good enough for the full-time position, but that an internship might be a possibility. Wooh! But before that could be talked about I need to dig up some code samples from back in the Mod Four/Y Combinator days and definitely brush up on my Python for an interview.

I'm so glad I went! And the pizza was good too (not just cheese, but veggie lovers and pepperoni (though I abstained))!

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