Monday, June 25, 2012

Passing along experiences

I'm a big believe of giving back. Sometimes I forget how good it feels to inspire someone else, and it's nice to occasionally be reminded (even if I need to be poked and prodded).

Yesterday was pretty busy. Brunch in the morning near Davis Square at Sound Bites, then a Skype chat with someone founding an educational startup, followed by some Rails/Twitter hacking, Ultimate Frisbee with other Boston Startup School people, and a Skillshare between all the different Boston Startup School tracks.

At the end of it, I was ready to just chill out and play guitar.

Fortunately, though, Chris and Alex convinced me to join them in talking to a lot of high school students attending MITES (I was on the fence) about startups and entrepreneurship, and how to think with an entrepreneurial mindset.

There was a lot of advice shared, and it was really interesting to see where these kids' heads were at regarding their passion. Some had an idea of how they were going to change the world, others knew what they enjoyed, and still others were still 'figuring it out.' The best we could do was offer to inspire and give a little guidance as to how to have the 'entrepreneurial mindset,' something I think engineering has a lot in common with.

It's all about being able to look at a problem from as many imaginative angles as possible, and understanding how to go about solving a problem. In fact, it's why I believe an engineering education is the most versatile education out there; the ability to solve a problem can be applied to any discipline, especially when trying to solve a problem to make the world a better place.